Andrew Dimmer

Suns Out, Hacks Out: Single Source (Andrew Dimmer)

Selfie Hacks: Bun Alert (Andrew Dimmer)

HooHacks 2020: (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

Citrus Hack: Orbital Overload (Nathan Dimmer, Andrew Dimmer)

Online Instruction Tutorial: Creating Screen Recordings

Cat Hacks VI: (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

GitHub Crash Course: Writing Code to GitHub

Same Home Different Hacks: HiFi Messenger (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

Online Instruction Tutorial: Creating Google Meetings

COVID-19 Health Hacks: cAR showroom demo (Nathan Dimmer, Andrew Dimmer)

GitHub Crash Course: Cloning a GitHub Repository

Turning Up & Down The DIMMER On Accents

Health{Hacks}: YogAR Yogi (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

BitHacks: EndangARed Defender demo (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

New Hack Who This: Classmate Connector Demo (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

That joke took a dark turn... #standupcomedy #britishcomedy #oneliners #8outof10cats #jimmycarr

BackyardHacks: Backyard Buffet Demo (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

GitHub Crash Course: An Introduction to Version Control

RUHacks: Audio Alerter Demo (Andrew Dimmer, Nathan Dimmer)

Online Instruction Tutorial: Using Google Meetings

Online Instruction Tutorial: Using Windows Virtual Desktops

Online Instruction Tutorial (for Students): Creating a Single PDF from Pictures

Online Instruction Tutorial: Screen Layouts in Google Meetings

#golfswing #fyp #waitforit #followthrough